zWax Casting & Finished Flat Jewelry

Updated on April 27, 2019 in Prints & Projects
3 on October 16, 2018

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2 on October 16, 2018

Solid flatware still not very good printing. The resin is not getting drained but trapped on large solid surface. I should have set up the flatware slanted way instead of flat.

Drill holes and the hollowed back with grilled covers came out nice because it had very good drainage.

I put the motor speed slow to make sure it has enough time to drain before the next light hits. 

on October 16, 2018

.025mm with 7sec exposure, took 01:40 to print. 

I am still figuring out the optimum burn out cycle for zWax resin. So far it has to burn at least 2:30 hours at 1385fh.

on April 27, 2019

i am having horrible burnout with this material. any tips for best investment powder for the resin to stop breakage or how to get rid of exess ash in the mold? thanks!

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