Slicing software is EXTREMELY limited… or is just me…

Updated on May 29, 2021 in Software
8 on December 30, 2019

I’m finding UNIZ slicing software to be very, very, very limited. Compared to Chitubox is like little baby. Since there is no way to modify the support structure, like adding a “elephant foot” (cone like shape to anchor better the support  to the build plate) I would at least hope for a raft. No raft though! There is also no way to re-position the support poles. There is no way to manually place the supports, or to move them. And there is no way to define different width of the “support branches” (like a branch of a tree).

So, am I missing something or this is it????? Oh, one good point – the inclination of the support tree is a VERY good idea!

But still, this s/w is lacking some serious functionality that even free s/w have!!!

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0 on January 15, 2020

Right, the slicer is so simple and stupid. Hope UNIZ will abandon their own development soon as meeting their slicer makes experience so bad. It is great printer, but software sucks. This is the reason they will loose many customers at the poing of presales. 

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2 on January 17, 2020

Thank you for your comments and Suggestions. We will adopt them and improve them.

on January 22, 2020

Really appreciate. If you want, I can tell you and show you everything that needs improvement. AND ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE!!! As long as you commit yourself to solve/improve this issues.

on January 22, 2020

BTW, the update to UNIZ Desktop 2 from 1.6 is…is, well still lacking but keep going! I noticed that you finally added a Remove button in the Supports feature. 

Now I’m waiting for version 5 :-)… I bet, there will be a proper hollowing and hole making feature!

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0 on April 17, 2021

Yeah… this software is bad. please stop. Like I can even hollow parts you really want everything printed in solid resin? 

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2 on April 18, 2021

The ability to hollow or add infill is fundamental to 3D printing, why this is not included in the feature set really limits this printer. Either add the functionality or allow other slicers like Lychee or ChituBox to natively export to zcode.

Even basic use of the slicing software is hit or miss, I have massive amounts of failures that I do not experience with Lychee/Anycubic machines. 

Hugely disappointed in the IBEE unit as it stands.

on May 18, 2021

You can use Lychee with the IBEE, I use it all the time 🙂 

on May 29, 2021

Which do you select on lychee? Slasher+ or slasher pro? What are the best settings too select? I’m new to the SLA 3d printing. I’ve got 3 FDM printers and this SLA it’s BLOWING my mind trying to learn it! Lol thanks for your help!

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