I am a backer & #2 Top User in this forum. This is how I get treated by UNIZ support.

Updated on July 21, 2018 in Support & Troubleshooting
3 on July 19, 2018

The machine broke and UNIZ send me replacement machine and now this. I don’t get support unless I pay $500. 

Seriously UNIZ? If you treat the honest consumer like this, I will report UNIZ to WWW.SupplierBlacklist.com and better business bureau,  https://www.bbb.org and all my SNS connections. 

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0 on July 20, 2018

Wow, surprise! you are really good at interpreting out of context!

Ok, just let me tell the truth: this customer’s slash was somehow broken when using the auto pumping function mistakenly(ps, i still have the pics he sent to me) , and we were sorry about this, cuz there is no very detailed instructions for this, still, he did not ask how to use it, so after asking my leader, and i was told that we can send him a new one if he pays $500, the original price is $3499,and  this customer had also agreed at last and asked me for invoice etc,(see pics attached). one big mistake i had made is that we have sent the machine before he paid us, 15 days passed, we still did not receive the $500, and i tried to contact him several time, cuz i was just a gruduate, if he was not gonna pay it, it would be me who pay for him, still no reply!

is this a normal person who let an intern just graduated paid for him? so we just stopped his after sales service;also i was blackmailed if we dont provide support, he will see something bad on the forum, we think most of you guys will be reasonable and will understand~~~

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1 on July 20, 2018

Thank you for your surprisingly quick response. Now you know American consumer is not as stupid as you thought especially in this Hightech industry. 

You said you are sorry, you said you will send a new machine. Look at the DATE of Conversation. 

Now look at the conversation and you tell me who took the matter out of the context

on July 21, 2018

Dear Customer,

I think you know very well in your heart about all what happened, the words you circled was said under the condition that you pay me first, would you pls just stop playing with words? im much more younger than you, so im no match for you at it; if i said something that made you misunderstand, then im sorry, but you had promised to pay me, and you didnt, for this, you are a liar. pls go to find others to help u, cuz im worrying i will be out of pocket on u once again, im sorry~


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