After struggling with the Slash OL that I was talked into at CES 2018 at the UNIZ booth I actually have gotten to a bit of reliability with it. I CAN actually print most of the objects I put to it now. I have learned that the people at UNIZ have ignored technical pragmatics and they designed their own approach to DUP SLA and once I understood their weird approach I kind of got it.
The Trial license ran out and GUESS WHAT?!?!
The trial license is not only for UDP, it’s also for the 70micron resolution in X and Y. When the trial license ended and it went back to the Slash OL resolution of 150 microns the quality of the prints became COMPLETELY unacceptable for SLA! Oh, they printed ok, but you can see with the naked eye the effect of the lower resolution. IOWs… IT SUCKS!! Unless UNIZ realizes that they cannot get away with selling a total POS for $3400 they can bet we will be making our review of the SLASH OL VERY public to the entire 3D Printing community. Its a NO BUY!!!