Blocked Dialogs

Updated on December 20, 2018 in Ideas & Suggestions
3 on December 10, 2018

NEVER block dialogs!!!   When looking at the printer’s dialog the Slicing dialog is blocked! REALLY!?

Whomever did the UI design for the UNIZ SW needs to be reassigned.


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1 on December 11, 2018

Hi Andy, Could you show some photos or screenshot to explain more details about your issue?

on December 17, 2018

It’s pretty easy to see for yourself. Select the slicer tool on the left and then select the advanced button in the slicer dialog. Then click on the printer shown in the right side of the window. The printer’s dialog overlaps the slicer dialog demonstrating SW dev incompetence.

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0 on December 20, 2018

Hi Andy, I think you found this issue when you use “window mode” of our software. When you use “full screen” mode of our software, there is no dialog block issue. Besides, if you must use “window mode” of software, you can click the printer icon again to hide printer’s dialog.

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