Print came out empty. What does that mean?

Updated on April 20, 2018 in Support & Troubleshooting
5 on April 7, 2018

Trying the printer for the first time, the box came with piece of paper that reads

This printer has been activated. The coolant was filled already.
You could just ignore the warning of lacking resin, use it directly.

So I did. And the print came empty. Nothing printed. The printer had the coolant container inserted. Does it mean the printer needs Resin? I want to be sure before I try something without knowing consequences.

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1 on April 7, 2018

Hi Bashar,

you need to fill the main tank of the printer with resin (zABS or whatever you want to use).

The coolant is for cooling the screen and is not needed to be filled as it is already done.

on April 8, 2018

Thanks. I thought so, but needed to be sure. The message given is confusing as it tells me to ignore Resin warning. 

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2 on April 10, 2018

OK, so even after I inserted the resin cartridge, I get an empty print. Any idea what else could be wrong?


Yes I made sure it’s punctured up and down.

on April 20, 2018


on April 20, 2018

You have to fill the resin vat correctly like picture above

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