Printing the first time

Updated on December 4, 2018 in Support & Troubleshooting
5 on December 3, 2018

Hi there

I connected the printer to my computer using USB and got it activated.

I print the UDP model and press start at the right menu bar, then press the touch button on the printer to start printing.

Then the printing platform goes down to the resin tank which is filled with UDP Gray resin.

Soon after that the building platform hits the resin tank, the touch button turns to red and it went to solid green, then my printer is disconnected from my computer. After that the print stopped.

After few seconds, the printer is connected again…..

Please advise.

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0 on December 3, 2018

May I know what’s firmware and software of your printer? You can find this info in these menus:


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3 on December 3, 2018

Fireware is 4.4

Software is

Here is the video of the problem.


on December 3, 2018

Have you tried not ticking Print When Finished in the Slice menu? Just to see if that’s what causes the bug, as a work around.

on December 4, 2018

Yes I have tried, but the result is just the same.

Not really know what can do now….

on December 4, 2018

I notice that in the screenshot you have firmware 4.2 have you updated this to try?

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