Changing the FEP (is it??) films in the resin vat

Updated on March 29, 2020 in Hardware
3 on March 21, 2020

Ther are two films in the resin vat. One in contact with the resin and one underneath it with two holes. The first question is what kind of film is it??? It is not FEP that’s for sure! The adhesion in the present film is much bigger than in a normal FEP film.

So could someone from UNIZ specify what type of film it is and where we can get a replacement?

Although it seems that this is some kind of a PP with a very thin layer of PDMS…

The next question is about the second film. What is the purpose of the second film and why has two holes in it? I have an idea of why it is there, but I think that we would all appreciate the explanation from UNIZ!!!

  • Liked by
0 on March 21, 2020

I’d also like to know the answer to this. I recently received a replacement printer and my tank was like this.

I also had 4 pieces of smaller clear plastic sheeting included. They look like screen protectors if I had to describe them. They’re about the size of the build plate and I am currently trying to find out what they’re for.

It’d be nice to receive information about these things when they arrive, rather than needing to search for them or ask for answers.

  • Liked by
0 on March 26, 2020


Hey brother, sorry I didn’t notice your question. Please follow this link:

I explained it there… and let me know where are you from, so I can help.

…or you can still buy the entire resin vat as “kindly” suggested by Uniz after-sales.


  • Liked by
0 on March 29, 2020

Answer to my own question: The “backup” film is PET (like plastic bottles). It prevents leakage if the main tank film breaks! The main film apparently is PET too but with a layer of PDMS.


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